Monday, January 30, 2017

Before you were born, your parents were happier!

Every time I watch Hook I giggle inside when it gets to the part where Captain Hook is teaching Peter Pan's children: Why Parents Hate Their Children. During this particular part, Hook tells Maggie, that before she was born, her parents were happier. Why do I giggle inside? Because there is some truth in that.

Last year our baby girl was born. We expected her to have a cone-shaped-alien-looking head, but instead she was absolutely adorable; She looked just like her daddy...

But let me tell you, parenthood is a paradox!

You love it, you hate it. 
It's rewarding--it's exhausting. 
It's exciting--it's boring. 
It's fun--it's sad. 
It's stressful--it's relaxing. 
It's educational--it's inprov. 
It's crazy--it's simple. 
It's the best--it's the worst. 
It's painful--it's wonderful. 
It's beautiful--it's messy. 
It's joyful--it's remorseful. 
We were happier before she was born because...
  • We didn't have to eat our snacks in hiding--seriously, you see these parental memes and jokes all over the internet, but they are so true! In fact, when I was a little tyke, my father would eat French Vanilla Breyers ice cream after I was snoozing in bed--the shame of it all! How cruel! But, now I do the same thing. :) 
  • The house isn't always spotless all the time anymore.
  • The cracker and cereal boxes get empty really fast. 
  • Things, such as books and trinkets have to go higher now.
  • The cupboards have these obnoxious clippy-things and every time I try to yank the cupboard open it stops because I've forgotten that our cupboards are baby-proof now.
  • Lots of planning ahead is going on now--none of this spur of the moment nonsense. 
  • She poops on us, screams and scratches our faces off. Rude. 
  • We don't get to set our alarm clock anymore because the baby is our alarm clock. 
  • Oftentimes, while we are watching Sherlock Holmes, we'll hear little whimpers (or wailing) coming from upstairs right before the climax of our show. Our baby girl wants daddy to bring up her sippy cup full of milk--IMMEDIATELY! It's like she's dependent on us or something. Sheesh! 
We are happier now that she is born because....
  • We have a valid and believable excuse to leave a party early (or not show up at all!).
  • We relish our time alone as a couple and our dates as we focus on our relationship.
  • We ask each other hard questions of how we will parent in this or that situation.
  • We become more effective with our time--because we have no choice.
  • We get to slow down and notice every pebble, bug, leaf, choking object, piece of paper and crumb because our little girl helps us to stop and cherish the little things in life. 
  • We get to learn how to not only how stand up for our self, but to stand up for someone who cannot--at least not yet. 
  • I'm falling even more in love with my husband as I witness his love and devotion to our daughter. As he giggles with her, rocks her and plays with her it absolutely melts my heart!
  • We are learning how to say yes, but we are also learning how to say no (or no, no, no). 
  • We are beginning to realize how our daughter is teaching us so much more than we are teaching her. 
  • And...she's the best thing that has ever happened to us.
Sometimes, it's not as bad as it seems, but other times it's definitely as bad as it seems. We instantly fell in love with our baby girl and it's been an honor to get to know her and to laugh and cry with her during the hard times and the good times. So baby girl, if Captain Hook ever says to you that your parents were happier before you were born, remember although there is some truth in that, we love you and would rather have you with us no matter what. 

"Who of us is mature enough for offspring before the offspring themselves arrive? The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults."
 -Peter De vries in Augarde 1991

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