Thursday, December 14, 2017

Millennials: The Special Little Snowflakes

"Kids these days...they are so lazy and disrespectful." 😒

I've heard this said a time or two about millennials. As a millennial myself, phrases like this aren't my favorite.

This Summer I read a book by Alfie Kohn called The Myth of the Spoiled Child. Because I nerd on paradigm changers--Kohn's books are always a fun read for me. In the book mentioned above, Kohn deflates the notion that all millennials are selfish and lazy, etc. He doesn't say this isn't true, but rather he points out how there is no evidence which shows millennials as idle and self-centered. This is just a belief that journalist and adults have run with even though there's nothing to back up this claim. But the evidence does show a pattern that surprised me. 

Kohn brought to my attention how all older generations complain about younger generations as being selfish and lazy--even though that might not always be true. For instance, baby boomers were called hippies and dropouts by their parents, "GenXers were labeled as slackers" (p. 25).

Even back in Socrates time, he complained about children and youth by lamenting, "Children today love luxury too much...and have no respect for their elders" (p. 16). So even though we've met kids, youth and millennials who fit this description doesn't mean they are all like this.
Older generations just have a pattern of complaining about youngsters. I'm grateful for all the millennials in my life.  The one's I know are gutsy activists who are willing speak up for those who don't have a voice.  And let's face it--no matter who we are, all of us are lazy and self-centered at times. So let's do everyone a favor by not being too hasty with stereotypes.😘 

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